Thursday, October 25, 2012


The UN Human Rights Council, ( members includes Qatar, Libya, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and China),
is calling for a boycott of companies doing business with Israel, targeting American companies such as Caterpillar and  Hewlet-Packard.  Along with the boycott, the UN HRC is threatening legal action against those companies and their employees.

Because of the countries that make up the UN HRC, the Bush administration refused to participate, but the Obama administration joined as soon as Obama was sworn in.  

"The report attempts to instigate a campaign of boycott, divestment, sanctions, and legal action against a litany of international companies doing business in Israel. In addition to American companies, the U.N. targets include major European firms such as Veolia Environnement, Group 4 Security, the Dexia Group, the Volvo Group.
“The costs to companies and businesses of failing to respect international humanitarian law are considerable,” the report warns, “including damage to a company’s public image, impact on shareholder decisions and share price and could result in employees being criminally responsible for rights abuses.”
The report warns American employees of targeted companies that they face legal risks.
“Employees of companies can face investigation and prosecution for human rights violations committed irrespective of where the violation was committed.”"

The UN once again attempts to take more of our sovernreignty away and Obama seems to be okay with this.  

A note to those Jewish voters who support Obama, Israel is under attack by the UN with Obama's approval! 

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