Doc Farmer sucks it in and goes to see Michael Moore's bullshit movie. I feel for you Doc. (Makes note to buy Doc some strong antiseptic soap for Christmas.) Here is Doc's review. - Sailor

The Lies of Michael Moore in ''Fahrenheit 9/11''
Written by Doc Farmer
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
A half-truth is the worst kind of lie.
I’ve been getting a lot of guff from some of the lib/dem/soc/commie participants on the ChronWatch Forum for daring to comment on the movie, '''Fahrenheit 9/11,''' without seeing it. My view was that if you could smell a large pile of manure, you didn’t have to jump into it to experience it. However, that did little to satisfy them. '''Coward!''' they cried.
Moreover, I didn’t want to spend my hard-earned money to fatten up an already bloated man who is, by his own words, a terrorist sympathizer. Moore has called Islamofascists ''patriots'' in the past, and has praised those who slaughter and terrorize in the name of their own putrid political and social agenda.
Nevertheless, I went to see the movie today. I’ve just returned from the theater.
I feel like I need a shower.
Michael Moore spends two tortuous hours spinning half-truths, supposition, perverted imaginings, and out-and-out lies across the screen, polluting the celluloid it inhabits, and the theater it pervades. Moore apparently was upset that his movie didn’t get a PG-13 rating so that kids could see it. Considering the ''liberal'' use of the F-word in one segment of the film, and the horrific images of war interspersed with film of the high government officials in tie and tails, I would have given it an X.
Moore is a modern-day Leni Riefenstahl, with all the evil politics but without the talent. It is propaganda, (im)pure and simple(istic). Moore tugs at the heartstrings, makes racist comments about the enlistment practices of the military, and stands at a street corner like a Harkonnen baron without the suspensor units, accosting congressmen to have their children enlist and volunteer for Iraq. He posits his own form of neo-fascism, supporting his lib/dem/soc/commie brethren (who are far closer to the Nazi political structure than are the rep/cons), and dares to quote George Orwell in reference to George Bush, when it is Moore himself who is far more representative of the communist body politic.
He spends two painful hours and barely mentions the attacks of 9/11 themselves. Oh, at the beginning of the film you’ll hear the planes, the crashes, the cries. However, you’ll not see them for the screen is black. You’ll see people looking up, with tears and disbelief. You’ll see papers floating down from the skies. But he can’t show you the actual planes slamming into the buildings, and the lives extinguished by the hate of Islamofacist terrorists, might draw away from his main point--blaming Dubya.
What you’ll see instead, if you’re dumb enough to waste your money on this cinematic diarrhea, is a long, drawn out, badly structured hate-fest against the president and the fact that he actually won the election in 2000. Yes, he’s apparently still ticked off about that. Gore lost, and in every INDEPENDENT recount save one, Gore still LOST. Bush WON. Get over it already, Michael!
But no, that would be too simple. It would be too gracious. While it can be argued that Moore may be simple in the head (or at least simplistic in his political world-view), grace seems to be [/i][b]way [/b][/i]out of his league.
He tries to link Dubya to the bin Laden family, but only one of whom, to my direct knowledge, is a terrorist. The bin Laden clan is rather large, and is generally respected in the building industry of the Middle East. They’ve done nothing to earn his enmity, and yet he immediately assumes that if one is guilty they’re all guilty, plus anyone associated with them. That’s racist and wrong; but then, Moore’s a lib/dem/soc/commie, so he can’t possibly be a racist, can he?
Perhaps he’s not a racist when he talks about mainly black kids joining the military, only for financial reasons. To me, that is Moore trying to represent blacks as less patriotic, and only interested in the money. Blaming Dubya for the poverty in the nation, showing run-down parts of Flint (the city's Chamber of Commerce must love Michael Moore!) and interviewing a rather non-representative group of teenagers about joining the military. Of course, he's ignoring the fact that the figures prove that military enlistment is pretty much in line with the overall racial make-up of our nation. No, facts like that are inconvenient, so he just forgets them. That, to my mind, is a lie.
And here’s a strange item. He disses Dubya for having a financial relationship with Carlyle Group, but seems conveniently to forget his very own connection with Lowes Theaters who is showing his 24-frame-per-second fib-fest, a company connected to Carlyle. In addition, of course, what kind of a hate-Dubya movie would it be without the constant references to Halliburton? Moore, quit dancing around and making baseless accusations. Provide documented evidence, not documentary dross.
He promotes military desertion in this movie. He tugs at the heartstrings, showing a family who lost a son in Iraq. He shows no sympathy for the family's loss except where it will help him blame Dubya.
Folks, this is not a documentary. It’s a hot, steaming load of male bovine excrement the size of a small planet. Lie upon half-truth upon supposition upon guesswork upon pure political evil. It is hyperbole exploded in cinema-verite ]minus the ''verity.'' It is ''let’s hate America''' in a greasy package. It’s scum made by scum, and produced as nothing more than a campaign ad against a sitting president. It sucks more than a black hole in a galactic core.
What I found most disturbing, however, was not the mere content of this cinematic sewage. It was the fact that people were actually applauding this filth, cheering Michael Moore, while heckling the commander in chief with a chorus of ''F-You'' expletives as his visage crossed the screen.
People actually believed that what Moore was saying was true. That’s the greatest danger, and my greatest disappointment. Perhaps it proves what Moore said in an interview in the United Kingdom, where he declared that Americans are possibly the ''dumbest people on the planet.'' That would certainly seem to fit the general description of the average viewer of a Moore movie.
I saw ''The Passion of the Christ'' and didn’t flinch at the violence, because I knew from whence it was based. I’ve seen an autopsy. I’ve viewed the beheadings of innocents on the web. However, none of that ever made me feel like throwing up.
''Fahrenheit 9/11'' did.
If the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is dimwitted enough to give this cinematic piece of filth even so much as a nomination for an Oscar, I strongly recommend that the viewing public boycott these political southpaws, their movies, their merchandising, their award shows, and the horse they rode in on.
Of course, the lib/dem/soc/commie sycophants and editors and movie critics and other assorted morons will extol Moore, this walking glob of cholesterol, and give him awards from Hollyweird to Froggyland to Timbuktu. All because they like the lies he spouts, and don’t give a flying fig about inconvenient things--like the truth.
As to Mr. Moore, he is probably the richest liar in the country right now. But he didn’t get a penny from me for watching this obscenity on film. I bought a ticket for ''Shrek 2,'' and just walked into the theater that was presenting Moore's two-hour filth-fest instead.
If you folks are planning to see ''Fahrenheit 9/11,'' do the same thing I did, with one difference. Buy the ticket for ''Shrek 2,'' and then watch it instead of Moore’s putrid palaver.
About the Writer: Doc Farmer is a writer and humorist who is also a moderator n ChronWatch's Forum. He formerly lived in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but now resides in Indiana. Doc receives e-mail at