My good friend, Doc Farmer, takes on the ACLU. Get 'em Doc! - Sailor

Goodbye Los Angeles, Hello Leningrad
Written by Doc Farmer
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
When it comes to the ACLU (the Association of Communist (bleeping) Lawyers Union) one must marvel at the way that organization always seems to plumb new depths in stupidity. The leaders of ACLU are most creative in finding a means of turning common sense and tradition on its ear, all in honor of their almighty god, the socialist state. Prayer in schools, smoking in public, nativity scenes in parks, burning flags, there’s no nadir they won’t sound in their never ending quest to torque off the vast majority of their fellow citizens. All in the guise of ''protecting'' the Constitution.
As a former resident of the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes (I was born in San Diego), I feel some level of protectiveness toward the land of my birth. So it was with a mix of despair and anger that I heard the newest inanity that the ACLU people were putting forth. They were getting their knickers in a knot over the seal for the County of Los Angeles. It’s a very pretty shield, as shields go. Good design, historical background, lots of gold color for the Golden State, stuff like that. I personally like it. In addition, the shield has been around for decades, and nobody uttered a peep of complaint.
But the blasted lawyers and commie scumbags at the ACLU got out their electron scanning microscope and their Karl Marx decoder rings, and found something that would, in their view destroy the Constitution, choke off free speech, make noses turn green, cause large rifts in the earth’s surface, and end all life as we know it across the cosmos.
It was a cross.
A tiny, teensy, eeny-weeny-itsy-bitsy cross.
Right next to a very large depiction of a Roman goddess, I might add.
Now, did our monosynaptic coven of twits complain about the image of Pomona, the goddess of gardens and fruit trees? Nope? Just the cross. The evil specter of Christianity had once again raised its ugly (to the ACLU officers, anyway) head, and they--like non-St. George--would slay the wicked beast so that once again the State would reign supreme.
The Los Angeles board of supervisors, that tower of Jell-O®, was confronted with a potential lawsuit from this band of pseudo-soviet boobs. When it came down to a choice of sticking to their guns or removing a symbol of the history of their centuries-old county, the supervisors folded faster than Superman on laundry day. Supervisors Zev Yaroslavsky, Gloria Molina, and Yvonne Brathwaite Burke were the majority wussies in the 3-2 vote. Just thought I’d mention that if any of you Angelinos want to remember them warmly on Election Day....
Millions of bucks will be wasted to remove the cross, to change the stationery, and the sides of cop cars and fire trucks and other county vehicles. All because of some misguided lib/dem/soc/commies demanding that their petty beliefs are more important than the vast majority of Americans, or what America was founded on. God.
But wait, it gets worse.
Now, there is talk that a legal case can be made to rename cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, etc., because their names have a religious connotation.
No, I’m not joking. There is consideration being given to this out of fear of the ACLU. The mere threat of a lawsuit could cause cities across the nation to be forced to change their name if there is the slightest Christian connotation. I should note that it appears that Christian relationships are the only verboten ones. The city of Pomona, named after the aforementioned Roman goddess, would remain unscathed. If there are any cities in the U.S. named Delhi, Riyadh, Makkah, or Jerusalem, they’ll be safe as well. If there’s a saint anywhere nearby, look out!
I’m beginning to think that the ACLU should be reclassified as a terrorist organization. Oh, it don’t need bombs, guns, or anthrax to cause terror and disruption. The ACLU has writs and pleadings and lawsuits to do its dirty, evil work.
Now, I think that San Diego is a good name for my birthplace. I don’t want it change to Tijuana North, or Saigon East, as descriptive as those names might be. I don’t want to see San Francisco having to take on the more accurate name of Sodom or Gomorrah. I don’t even want to see Saint Louis being forced to take on the more colorful moniker of ''Louie, Louie'' (although St. Louis would have its city anthem sewn up immediately)!
No, what I want is for the ACLU to be sued out of business. I want to see it defanged and neutered as an organization (preferably without recourse to anesthetic). I want to see it stripped of any influence, power, or authority – a false authority it wields that is based upon bullying, lies, and a systematic destruction of our civil liberties and constitutionally guaranteed rights. The ACLU should, like its soviet brethren, be seconded to ''the ash-heap of history.''
I want the ACLU dead, as an entity.
I leave you all with this point. There was a city in the past named after a Christian saint. Its name was changed because some people believed that the State was more important that the Creator. It took 67 years, but the old name finally came back into use.
Saint Petersburg. Previously known, for almost seven decades, as Leningrad.
That’s what the ACLU really wants, folks. It wants Leningrad in America. And if that doesn’t frighten the hell out of you, just remember all the blood and destroyed lives it took to get the name changed back.
Doc Farmer, a former resident of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, fights communist imperialism and blasted lawyers from his home in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He receives e-mail at:
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