Wednesday, April 28, 2004

My take on the 9/11 Failures

Over the years of my military service, I, at times had gathered intelligence and done some analysis. My take on 9/11 is best describe with this analogy.

What we have is a giant jigsaw puzzle. Several people have the pieces to that puzzle (FBI, CIA and others intel gathering groups). Of course before an event such as 9/11 occurs, we do not know what the puzzle actually looks like. Now to complicate matters, some people have some of the same puzzle pieces. So as the puzzle gets closer to completion, one person says the picture is one thing, another says no it is this. Finally when the event occurs, we have the true picture and the puzzle pieces fall into place fairly easily.

Now, that is not to say, that investigations are not wothwhile. On the contrary, they do help in assesing what can be done to improve the likelyhood that an event such as 9/11 does not occur again, but does not guarentee it will not. No one can make that guarentee.

In my humble opinion, the failure of intelligence agancies to share data, (the puzzle pieces), it the one glaring failure in this whole issue.

Also, I think on all sides, no one really came to grips with the possibility that such a well co-ordinated and planned attack could be carried out against the mainland US. Sure in retrospect it can dealt with, but even I was surprised at the magnitude and organization.

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